Since it first appeared in 1988, Seventh-day Adventists Believe has gone through six different printings, with over 500,000 copies in circulation. People all over the world have found it extremely useful as a volume that points to the Christ-centred nature of our doctrines. Now, in this book, We Believe is presented in a handy study guide format – a thorough, in-depth study of Bible lessons, using questions and answers, true-or-false questionnaires, and simple illustrations and stories to help every member understand the main points of our faith.
Whatever the stage of your spiritual journey, no matter your level of maturity, you are bound to appreciate our beliefs more after reading this richly informative book. May God bless your understanding of His word.
Title: We Believe
First Edition: 2017
Publisher: The Stanborough Press Ltd.
Chapters: 28 Pages: 168