Wood Green reopens for service 2021
Closed for nearly eighteen months, Wood Green Community Church…
7 April 2022/by Sarah JarvisThe evidence is in the witnesses
by Ervin Herbert
‘Where, O death, is your victory?
7 April 2022/by Sarah Jarvis‘Where, O death, is your victory?
The Return of BEAMS: ‘I Will Go’
by Divinia Reynolds
The commission Jesus gave the Church in…
11 November 2021/by Sarah JarvisThe commission Jesus gave the Church in…
Friday at Session
Friday 10 September
Dr Beatrice Kastrati and Grace Walsh…
10 September 2021/by Sarah JarvisDr Beatrice Kastrati and Grace Walsh…
Thursday’s report
Thursday at Session
by Richard Daly
Delegates ready…
10 September 2021/by abigail murphyby Richard Daly
Delegates ready…
Wednesday Session report
Extending God’s kingdom to every community
63rd Session…
10 September 2021/by Sarah Jarvis63rd Session…
Stanborough Press – the Lord continues to make a way!
It was William Ings in 1878 who started the publishing work…
19 August 2021/by Sarah JarvisPentecost 2021 at Manchester Southern Asia
There was an ongoing celebration at Manchester Southern Asia…
19 August 2021/by Sarah JarvisA firm foundation for our youth
‘With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained,…
10 May 2021/by Sarah JarvisVincentians face an added challenge
On 9 April, the St Vincent La Soufrière volcano erupted,…
29 April 2021/by Sarah Jarvis