Welcome to the wonderful world of Abigail’s favourite Souncloud tracks!
This is a holding preview page to help you image what a Souncloud based page could look like – with the added bonus of some of me fave tracks. Happy, happy, happy. 너무 너무 좋아해요!!
This is a holding preview page to help you image what a Souncloud based page could look like – with the added bonus of some of me fave tracks. Happy, happy, happy. 너무 너무 좋아해요!!
Loving this one right now….
ahhh Chill Trap Records. . . my second favourite record label on soundcloud.
I do like me a decent remix ♥
There is absolutely no-way, no-how, I can do a ‘my fave soundcloud tracks’ without linking to this bit of Cuban magic. Nope, no way.
An older one, but it still holds up. Tom Misch knows what he’s doing, and this Boyan remix is pure perfection.
Wait for the drop
Blvnt Records – the place I head for the chilled tunes. This is such a relaxed mood.
Go Yama needs to release more tracks like this into the wild…
wait…what… BTS + EXO mashup?! O_o 대박!!!!! Only my 2 favourite Korean bands smushed together. 정말 행복해요 ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
This has to be here. The reason I joined Soundcloud in the fest place. Mood’s remix of Funky Goldman. (♥_♥)