Beyond contention and contract to contentment and commitment.
Singles often ask, ‘How can I be with the one I love?’ Married people sometimes ask, ‘How can I love the one I’m with?’
Hollywood has managed to make unfaithfulness and marriage break-up titillating. The fact is that the consequences are devastating – not just for the spouses, but for the children of the marriage.
Jeffrey and Pattiejean Brown stress that marriage is not about finding the right person, but about being the right person. They answer such questions as what do you do when your marriage is not all you expected? How can conflicts within marriage be resolved? How can marital sex be made more fulfilling? How can a dead or dying marriage be brought back to life? Is there life beyond children?
Title: The Total Marriage
Authors: Jeffrey & Pattiejean Brown
Revised Edition: 2016
Chapters: 10 Pages: 173