One of the things people would really like to know is what the future holds for them – don’t you think so?
Have you ever wondered why the Bible has successfully survived all the attacks of its enemies for thousands of years? The book of Daniel has likewise endured and survived all the attacks, and modern discoveries of the buried records in the Middle East confirm the writing of this book by the man himself.
‘Daniel reveals the future’ will answer some of the questions that are present in our minds today:
- How can a dream explain the mystery of what is happening in Europe, Africa and the rest of the world?
- There are wars and political struggles all around us, but can we know who will rule the world?
- Who was that ‘Jesus’? Was He really sent by God?
- Why does prayer often seem unanswered?
- Is this world really coming to an end or is it just Hollywood fantasy?
- Is there anything we can do to change the situation?
‘Daniel reveals the future’ will make you aware of many of these interesting and fascinating facts that will enrich your whole life and your future with a new understanding of God’s love for you and give you better knowledge of His truth for you and your family today.
Daniel lived and worked at the political and administrative hub of two successive world empires – Babylon and Medo-Persia. He was a man of impeccable character who became God’s mouthpiece for the unveiling of a set of accurate prophecies concerning world history. Through these prophecies, Daniel was privileged to witness history in advance. Now, with the help of Robert J. Wieland, we can understand Daniel’s prophecies more clearly than ever before.