Straight talk to young adults about dating, love and sex.
Anyone can date, but not just anyone can date and be successful or smart about it. Smart dating requires more than cash, cars and clothes. There are a lot of finer points to learn so you can handle all the emotional aspects of dating as well as the pressure.
With Smart Love we can learn:
•How to love ourselves •Be the best ‘Me’ I can be •Great dates – Where to go and what to do •Saying goodbye with class •Letting go: Facing life without you •True love or infatuation? How to tell the difference •Pressure – How far do we go? •Why wait? •Fifteen benefits of sexual abstinence before marriage
Please do not think that teens are too young or innocent to learn the facts of life. Capture the right opportunity to reach and prepare young adults for the challenges ahead.
Title: Smart Love
Author: Nancy Van Pelt
Publisher: The Stanborough Press Ltd.
Chapters: 8 Pages: 204